August 20, 2018 2018-08-20T16:37:41Z

Paris! - Part II (El Fin)

We continued our walk to dinner and I stopped to pose in front of a really cool door, as I kind of have an obsession with unique door art when I travel. Except. Except! I didn't know that the door was to an apartment complex and I was nearly clobbered by a rather handsome Frenchman exiting the building. He smiled while I attempted to say "Sorry!" with a French accent (smh at self!). He replied, in his sexy swaggalicious French-English, "Madam, eet's okay!" I gathered myself and we stopped for dinner next door at Le General.

The Eats
You may have had the pleasure of warm, melt-in-your-mouth duck before, but trust me, your taste buds have not lived until they have experienced the duck dinner at Le General! It was so vibrant, so perfectly tender and moist, that for a moment I forgot that I was eating Daffy himself. The pairing of red wine and whipped potato was superb; I have compared every single duck entree I have had since then and have been sorely disappointed.

The Sites
After dinner we caught an Uber-like ride back to our AirBNB via the Chauffeur Prive app, which I downloaded just before our trip. We used the "current location" feature for pickup and typed in the AirBNB address easily since the app has an English version. Our driver was friendly and  the fare was favorable for this #FrugalTravelista; we were home in about 20 minutes!

The next morning, we checked out and rode the train to the Louvre. Admission was included with our Paris Pass and we stood in the still very long but somewhat shorter designated line for advance ticket holders. After about 15 minutes in the queue, we entered the museum with excitement in our hearts and enchantment in our eyes!

I saw the Mona Lisa in person.

Yes, it is much smaller than most people expect and yes, there was a sizable crowd around it with people taking pictures of it, selfies in front of it, and group photos. It was very important to me that I remained present and completely in the moment for such an experience, so I put my phone and camera away, slowly inched my way forward in the crowd, and quietly, mindfully focused on the art in front of me. I will never forgot those moments of staring at her as she seemingly and somehow eerily stared back at me.

Next, I did the "look up, Audi!" thing and took a bunch of ceiling shots. The detailed murals, exquisite gold paint, and medallions were nearly surreal to witness:

We rode the hop-on, hop-off bus included in our Pass and also saw Notre Dame and several other touristy sites before heading to the airport for a very quick flight back to London! This concludes the recap of my 36 hours in the City of Lights; check out the final London post here for more #EuroTrip2017 tidbits!